
09 June, 2009

Monday - The first day/Der Erste Tag (excuse my poor german)

So, our flights were not so bad. I felt pretty stressed about the cats because we kept having to give them more medicine to make them sleepy so they wouldn't scream. I was so worried that they had to go potty but couldn't, or would go in their crates and it would be so offensive to other passengers noses. But, nothing happened and we made it to Germany fine! This flight definitely felt shorter than my other two flights to Europe but maybe that was because it was not as scary to me knowing what I was in for. Daniel seemed to enjoy it too. We watched Marley & Me, Desperate Housewives (not daniel), and part of Twighlight. We only slept about 2 hours. I apparently became extremely dehydrated despite my excessive water consumption. I had the worst headache!

Anyway, we left around 6 on Sunday and arrived in Frankfurt around 8:45 where we connected to another flight to Hannover and finally arrived at 10:45. Suprisingly, we weren't nervous to meet our new family at all and when we did finally see them at baggage claim it was like seeing old friends. The kids were there and so were both Bea & Cord. It was a really nice start to a growing friendship.

When we got to our new house, this is what we found. :) Here are a few pics of our new cottage. Bea put these lovely roses and pink flowers in there and after 1 week i still have them and they are beautiful! Check out that sweet fruit and veggie assortment! :) I'm at home here already!
This is part of out little kitchen. Right outside that window is a chicken coup. We are surrounded on three sides by a chicken coup with three little guys running around inside it. A white one, a black one and a stripped black/white one. It suprisingly doesn't stink at all and we get to enjoy a view of the little cluckers while they run around the pine trees, pinecones, and bushes outside our window.

Here is chicken numero uno.

The Bansemer's also have a beautiful pond outside their house with a huge sandy beach where the kids build sand castles and go swimming. Its surrounded by woods, mostly pine. So day one was a holiday in Germany and family came over and everyone laid in the sun on the beach while all the little kids played in the water.

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