
19 May, 2009

Onigiri - Japanese rice balls

Just a thought so far....but I am considering making these Japanese rice balls called Onigiri. The photo shows them in the triangular shape but you can make them into balls too. They have little strips of nori (seaweed - the stuff on the outside of sushi sometimes) and a filling. I have read that some people fill them with umeboshi plums, or ginger strips and avacado chunks... i think plain will be nice. I absolutely love the slightly sweet, earthy, nutty taste of short grain brown rice by itself. I will let you know if I make them, what they end up with inside, and how they taste!

Good to have you home again.

The boys came home from N. Carolina last night. D2 fell off the bike yesterday and hurt his hand so they came home a little early. It is scary to think of how many accidents occur on motorcycles and how many people in my family ride them. Thank goodness that each fall has still left each person whole. :) I am glad to have the boys home. Absence really does make the heart grow fonder.

So today I am going to show Jeannine, aka M2, how to make homemade soy yogurt. She suggested using fresh vanilla beans. I am so excited to cook with them! I have never used real ones. :)

This is the yogurt maker that I own. I really like it. Its not necessary to have it to make yogurt but it really does make it much easier, I think. I got the idea and recipe from Mireille Guiliano. Maybe you will try making some for yourself? I think it is super delicious with a fresh cut banana and orange in the morning. My Oma adds grapes, strawberries...actually, whatever fruit is in season. No sweetening necessary and a lot of fun to know you made it and its good for you! :) Just a little plug from me - if you make it with regular dairy, maybe treat yourself and buy organic milk. It will be so much healthier for you. Its fun to do good things for ourselves. :) Enjoy...

Homemade Yogurt with a Yogurt Maker


1 saucepan
1 tablespoon of plain yogurt as a starter or 1 tablespoon of a commercial starter culture available at natural food stores
1 quart of 2% milk - (I use soymilk)
Yogurt maker with cooking thermometer

Warm up milk on medium-low until bubbles appear around the edge and steam rises from the surface. Remove saucepan from heat and place thermometer stirrer. When temperature hits 110-115º F add starter to one of the jars. Add some of the heated milk and stir until well blended. Pour the mixture back into the saucepan a little at a time stirring well.Fill in 8 jars, cover securely with lids and place jars into the yogurt maker Put into “machine” (really a temperature-controlled warmer) and follow cooking instructions. It will take 6-10 hours (easy to do overnight) depending on tartnness and firmness desired. When done, chill jars in refrigerator a couple hours before ready to eat. You can keep yogurt for up to 2 weeks in the fridge.

Homemade Yogurt Without a Yogurt Maker


1 saucepan1 large bowl
1 small bowl
1 tablespoon yogurt starter or plain yogurt
1 quart 2% milk

Yield: 8 Servings (4 ounces each)

Warm up milk on medium-low until bubbles appear around the edge and steam rises from the surface.Pour into large bowl to cool until temperature hits 110-115º on thermometer or if you don’t have one, do what the locals do: the temperature is correct when your index can stay in the warm milk for ten seconds. Put starter in small bowl, add some of the heated milk and stir until well blended. Pour small bowl mixture in large bowl a third at a time making sure to stir and blend well before each addition. End with a final stir making sure all is well blended. Cover with a thick towel and keep in a warm place 4-6 hours until set. Refrigerate for 8 hours before serving.