
26 May, 2009

The dreaded packing...

We did a "mock packing" today to see how well our stuff would fit into our luggage. So far, we have two extremely large suitcases with clothes, a third with boots, coats, kitty litter & food, and a fourth with shoes, and miscellaneous toiletries, books, and other various nonsense. I have to say, the today's event facilitated my changing from a state of carefree bliss to utter tension and buzzing nerves. Can I just tell you, German cars are not that big. We are going to arrive to meet this poor family with FOUR suitcases of our own, TWO cats, ONE computer bag, ONE au pair, and ONE husband. And I am praying to whoever can hear me that: 1. they dont go running, 2. we fit in that little car.

My mother recently said to me that she thought it might be easier on me that daniel and the cats are coming... and I have to say that is far from true. I am moving all of the things I hold most precious to me across seas and extremely concerned about their comfort. This is hardly a breezy adventure to me. It is not often (enough) about me at all. Dont get me wrong, I do often daydream about so many grand experiences I hope to have there, but I spend more time considering how my host family will feel about all the accessories their au pair is bringing with her, how my cats will adjust to their 12 hour druged plane ride & fourth home in less than a year, and how my dear husband will feel about leaving his big american, english speaking, trans am racing, comfortable world for a cobble stone street, tiny town, crazy-new-language speaking, 350 sq ft cottage living, kind of life. Yes, all my thinking is exhausting me. And I have been asking these questions since last October when all the talk of this trip began. And, thrilled I will be soon enough, to recieve some actual feedback on all my questions.

According to a google search for Wedemark, Germany, these are some lovely gentleman's photos from his trip to the town we will be living in/near by. Enjoy :)