
22 June, 2009

Elia Sagt, "Al-erna & Dal-el" (Marlayna & Daniel)

Carrots & Coffee, Ferrari's, and an Old Church

So, I was about to blog that Daniel wasn't home yet from "job hunting" and it was 8:30pm. He left at 2:00 this afternoon. I figured he'd either accidentally gotten lost, accidentally done something illegal and gotten into trouble (because we are still learning a new laws here every now and again), or been very successful with his search. Fortunately, it was the latter of the three. He said he went to one location to apply, couldn't seem to find it, but instead landed in front of a Ferrari & Maserati Dealership. He was like a ray of sunshine bouncing up to the door tonight with this good news. Apparently, he felt this event was divinely inspired and, therefore, he had no hesitations about going inside to inquire about work there. It went really well, they gave him a tour of the shop, told him that their car detailer who usually works there is out, and that they would consider using him as a replacement. The owner said that tonight he would be happy to discuss it with his partner and get back to Daniel. I hope Daniel will blog more for you on his search for work here. :)

Yesterday we went into Hannover to check out the Altstadt (old part of the city)and to see a small festival going on in the town. Our camera was dead so I dont have any pictures taken by us personally to blog for you. But these will do just fine. :) This is the church from the original part of Hannover before it was destroyed. Parts of it are still completely black from soot and being burned. This first picture is of what it looked like when the roof was gone.

For dinner we were geeked to find this super cool Bio-vegetarisch (Organic & Vegetarian) cafe open so late on a Sunday. We had been eyeballing it for a week or so but not had a chance to stop in. I was feeling rather hot emotionally and I was super happy when I found they had special Ayurvedic teas that I could try - Pitta, please. :) I bought a box. I wish I could have taken pictures for you because this cafe is in the prettiest part of town (this is where i would live). Suprisingly there are quite a few trees, cobblestone roads, tiny shops, and this adorable cafe. Its bright, cheery, and the mother-daughter couple who own it are very friendly. Apparently they also teach cooking classes from their resturant. This midget picture does not do it justice. I felt very much at ease there. It was calming. A really warm environment. Daniel had a homemade vegan burger with a housemade mustard, horseradish sauce and small salad - delish, but not sure what the dressing was - vegan of course. Mine was a smoked tofu sandwhich on wholegrain brotchen (mini bread roll), with arugula, and a little meaux mustard. Daniel had a vegan amaranth, millet, ?#?, raisin cookie for desert. I wanted a small date/almond tiny truffle-ball like desert but they were actually out. It was a very nice place. :)

This is the type of buildings this place is in but this picture is rather dark and does not give you a good idea of the feeling it evokes when you are in this section of town. I hope to take more for you so that I can share what I love about it. Or, you could just come visit and give me another excuse to go to Carrots & Coffee? :)