
15 September, 2009

Feelin' Loco for Local

Lately I have been feeling a deeper passion for locally produced goods. When we came home from Europe I made sure I hit the local farmers market as soon as it rolled around to quench my hunger. That wasnt too unusual for me but what has followed in the last few weeks has been a suprise. In the past Ive been satisified by buying my fresh summer produce from a farmers market in Oakland County but this year I had to get out and explore a little more. Amazingly enough, or rather, without trying very hard, I've run into soooo many people starting home-based businesses based on their passions which has just made my heart burst with excitement! I love watching people follow their dreams and harvesting their gifts to share with the world. It's a concept I hope will continue to spread! The whole idea does so much good for everyone. The business owner being more in touch with what "makes them tick" every day becomes supercharged into their highest effectiveness and level of happiness. Of course, we, the consumers, reap the benefits of more passionate, ethical, loving business owners and business practices, and, then, so does the economy.

Now, it's important to me to recognize that local doesnt have to mean, well, for instance, in my case, just Oakland County. It can mean all of Michigan, or, as my girlfriend said, "I'd rather buy my avacado from Florida than Mexico. I think of that as local. It doesn't even occur to me that we would be considered separate." It challenged my thinking! So, the next question far is local to you?

If you are, at all, interested in some fabulous businesses popping up around Michigan (and one extra in Florida) here are just some of the ones I've personally run into and found to be led by fabulous people aspiring to loving and fabulous things for this country and its folks! Most of these are food or household products related because that's what I have been attracting the most, it seems.


Shephards Farm

A very sweet little family raising a few organic chickens, a cow and a pig. Their gardens are full of fresh veggies and a few beautiful flowers. Oh, and they work really hard to split wood and have that available for us too! The best part is how flexible they are! They are open from sun up to sun down Monday-Sunday! Hmm, just for an idea, I picked up fresh garlic, red onions, butternut, acorn and spagetti squashes, a personal watermelon, a few green peppers, and some tomatoes. Delicious!

Rocky Gardens CSA

Finding myself on an organic farm off Ormond Road on my way south from Davisburg was not something I'd planned yesterday. However, I was delighted nontheless! Especially when I met the lady owner, Diane, who was super helpful and generous. She offered us a tour of the gardens on her cute go cart and helped me to pick out some BEAUTIFUL bunches of kale (3 kinds!), basil, tomatoes, peppers, squash, and cauliflour. It was truely inspiring to see her gardens and know how they were raised. Amazing! Since its a CSA = Community Supported Agriculture, locals buy up "shares" and recieve pounds and pounds of fresh, seasonal, organic produce multiple times per month which leaves not so much for us happenstance, wanderin' folk. I got my fill but call ahead if you plan to "pop by" to see what extras she has. Or, if you like to sign up for a share, check out the website and stop by to meet the family and see the gardens. You will know for sure if you want to participate. Its a working farm, meaning each share owner puts in a handful of hours on the farm each month. I think its well worth it. A great way to connect, support a great family, and valuable principles that are hard to come by these days!


Fiddlebumps Apothecary - Davison MI

As if the name wasn't cool enough! This lovely lady, Miss Holly Slawter, has worked super hard to source completely natural ingredients (ie. non-synthetic, non-toxic, and no petrochemicals) her lines of Bath, Spa, Baby, Mens, Balms, and Cleaning Products. Things like, shea butter and hempseed oil for bases, essential oils like Tea Tree and eucalyptus, and natural herbs like lavendar and calendula made these special treats filled with lots of love and care! I was impressed! I saw her at the Kensington Organic Harvest Market and she is supposed to visit the Clarkston Farmers Market every Saturday from 8-1. Check her out in Clarkston or on the web @


Organic By The Case
Now this was a woman who's enthusiasm and love for what shes sharing really caught me. Her husband was one of the many people associated with GM's "downsizings" and they took their misfortune as an opportunity to delv deeper into their love - organics! Organic everything! Dry goods, personal care products, cleaning supplies! She explained that for years people would call her up and ask, "where can I buy all natural (x), or organic (y)?" Then she said, "why not take our hobby and turn it into our work? Its a valueable service!" Now Yvette and her husband have created a website where you can purchase all natural, organic bulk goods for competitive prices. In the process they support and supply items like organic whole grain pasta from Eden Organics, a Michigan based company. What a perfect pairing of ideas. Check them out @


Rainbows End Farm

So, when it comes time for berry picking I often feel a tinge of jealousy and bitterness when my mom comes home with a fresh pint of blueberries or strawberries and I have nothing. Im set on safe farming practices for the health and saftey of the farmers, the earth and myself. I love the Certified Naturally Grown practices as well as the standard Organic practices, and if you've ever heard of such a thing, Biodynamic farming. They are so good for everyone and everything involved. And Im big on concious living. It matters, to me, how I effect the world. So, that said, I have often felt sad that I didnt know where to go to find fresh picked organic or natural berries! Hopefully you will share with me in this when I tell you I was super suprised and a little bit giddy when I came across this You Pick Raspberry Farm in Fowlerville, Michigan! They seek to maintain organic practices and continue improving their soil. So exciting! They are open from dawn 'till dusk during picking season, starting after Labor Day until the harvest runs out. Check out their information on this website and get your buns over there to enjoy some FRESH FALL RASPBERRIES!!! :) For more info visit

The Worms Do It

Have you ever considered making your own fertilizer from all those veggie peels and paper shreds you have around your house? Yay for composting! I know i've considered it a few times but felt a little like it was a bit complicated after reading about the different containers, and churning times, and types of worms. Well, I think there is a simpler answer! Check out how simple these two ladies have made this for us all. I met one of them at the Kensington Organic Harvest Market last Saturday and found their concept to be a really fabulous one. Straight from the words of the owners, here is their message to all of us!

"We are stay-at-home moms in Southeastern Michigan who were upset at the thought of the landfills growing around us. We were looking for a way to reduce our "footprint" on the earth. Worm composting became the perfect solution. We've found by using the worms to eat our household organic garbage the amount of food scraps going into the landfills has been reduced tremendously. Also, using the compost as a natural fertilizer reduced our dependency on chemical additives to our lawns and gardens while maintaining the beauty wanted."

Now who doesnt want to reduce the amount of garbage making toxic waste in our landfills, or have gorgeous vegetable or flower gardens made from homemade (read = free) fertilizer!?! Now, I have to admit in the past, one of my hangups was on whether it would stink like a landfill around my house if I was working on composting. To my suprise, as I checked out their worm bins I realized they didnt stink at all! One of the founders told me she keeps it right in her laundry room where its warm enough for the little guys to do their business and not freeze or fry, and that it never smells! She said, "if it smells..." and I said, "you're doin' somethin' wrong?!" She gave me a big smile and said, "yup! It's really easy. My kids love it! They always want to help out!"

Well, if your interested, here's their virtual spot. They are located in Milford I believe. Another great local with another great idea. :) I'm lovin' it!

Well, last, but surely, in my book, not least of all, is a company that I now consider local, thanks to my girlfriend. This gem isnt one I personally explored beyond what I'm about to share with you. But it sure gets me excited! No more ho-hum winter produce for me!


Starr Organic Produce

They host avacados, mangos, bananas, valencia oranges, grapefruit, naval oranges, papayas, pinapple juice oranges, murcott tangerines, and honeybells...just to name a few! You can order shipments in frames of 3, 6, 9, and 12 month increments or by the single purchase. They come in 10, 20, 30 lb, etc weights. Each fruit in its season. Kind of like a sweet suprise. Fresh of the *SUNSHINE* laden trees in Florida! Now thats what I call a mini-vacation! :) I'd love to bring that home! If you're as excited as I am, or even a bit curious, check out the EXTREMELY REASONALBE COSTS and fruits listed on their website!