
15 June, 2009

The Evolution of Spaces

So I was bold enough to ask Bea if I could rearrange her livingroom for her, and she said, "sure!" I was so excited! Before I got to it the furniture was pushed up against the walls and those big beautiful windows were cut off partway by the chunky black sofas. There were also two sides to the seating area that were not functional because of the way everything was laid out. Since there arent any dividing walls in this huge kitchen/dining/livingroom/playarea we tried to create distinct spaces for each function. We moved the sofas so that they created a "nook" (as Kendra would say) where people could sit. Not only that but the focus can be any direction: to the kitchen/dining area when entertaining or watching kids, or outside to relax and look at nature. Bea thought to exchange the rug with the one in the kids play area which ended up warming the space and pulling the color off the curtains and onto the floor. We also moved the bonsai tree so that it was more noticeable. Before it was totally lost in between those dark curtains. Check it out!


Daniel calls this the King Arthur chair. Now at least it sits under the sparkly chandelier.

I am currently uploading the video of the "before" shots. Check back in a while for this one. My computer is pokey :)



Here we have 5 hour nights. The sun is completely set sometime after 11:00 pm and rises at 4:30am. Amazing. And their winters are still similar to ours 9-5 sunlight...hmmm.