
23 July, 2009

It May Be Mini....

...but its Uber-Cool! (c:

So as Marlayna had mentioned a week or so ago, we are looking to get a car so we can get out and explore more. While there are a ton of really cheap cars we could buy that would get the job done just fine, we felt that it would be more fun to spend a little more and get something with a little more character....a Mini Cooper! It may be almost the exact same as it was when it was designed around 1959 (and this is a 2000 model year) but they are really neat cars. They drive like an adult-sized go cart (handle really well).

So today I went to go and look at THIS Mini. Well actually a different one originally, but that one was in really poor shape, but the dealer had two more blue ones I looked at that were in really good shape (pics). Mini's are really unique - everything about them is a little off (steering wheel is angled funny, pedals are towards the center of the car, etc) but this is part of what adds the character.
Unfortunately, they were asking a lot for the two nicer ones, 5,699€ for this one (about $8,100 USD) so I had to pass, otherwise I think I would have gotten this one today if it was more reasonably priced. It also had the brushed/swirled aluminum interior which I really liked, while most have a wood grain.

In order to still get a Mini Cooper and have it be in the range of what we want to spend, it looks like we may have to get one that doesn't have an airbag and side-impact-bars (added in 1997). To be honest, a Mini Cooper isn't the safest car in the world even with these features so who knows, maybe we will sacrifice. I am planning on checking out this one tomorrow (below). It is red with white stripes - I liked the blue much better but oh well...

Dream Job at Mansory?

I (Daniel) put together an application packet with a cover letter (in German) explaining my passion for modified high performance vehicles and about how I want to make it my life's work, along with my engineering and personal experience with modifying cars, German resume, and English resume. I sent out 11 of these to various high-end aftermarket car companies, and....

I GOT A REPLY BACK! The company that I was most excited about got back to me within 2 days! I had sent the application pack to the owner of the company, and he had already talked it over with the company's business development director and they e-mailed me back 2 days later saying that they found my application very interesting! They wanted to speak to me further as long as I was willing to move nearer to their headquarters (Brand, Germany). I will let you all know how it goes from here! Wish me the best!

Here are some pics of cars they have built...