
18 November, 2009

In spirit of: GRATITUDE

So, I accidentally came across this book in my library called Treasury of Spiritual Wisdom: A Collection of 10,000 Inspirational Quotations By Andy Zubko. I loved the thoughts that were in it and I decided to buy it for myself. In 10,000 quotes you can probably imagine that it covers a huge range of topics. I wanted to start blogging some of them once a week and I was trying to decide on a day that would be really nice for a little uplift. I figure, since many people do something on the weekend to renew their faith or spiritual awareness and mid-week we often feel a little forgetful or soggy, that Wednesday was the perfect day for a little reminder and a boost.

I plan on randomly opening the book to a topic each week and seeing where we land. Quite fitting that I just opened to....


We are, thankfully, again, in the season where we take time to draw our awareness to those things we are grateful for, to give show others our appreciations and to conciously create conditions to be thankful for in each moment of our days.

Now, given the "tough economic times" these days, it is really easy to understand how folks could feel a little like their list of desires is a lot longer than their list of things to be grateful for.

And following that thought...a little divine interjection for me and you. So, as I was thinking of how grateful I am to have been able to visit, this year with my husband, Plymouth, Massachusettes, the Mayflower II, and Plymouth Plantation and learn more about our history, I decided to search for a photo of the Mayflower. While posting it here on the blog I accidentally stuck it in the middle of the word GRATITUDE, which made, ATITUDE. I've heard, before, the phrase "attitude of gratitude," and this moment here caught my attention and reminded me of that in a stunning way. Is it not so true, the difference between fulfillment and not is really in our attitude? Having something to be grateful for is really a mindset, not a specific state of having (for lack of a better phrase). If nothing else, each one of us could pause and become thankful for the state of being on earth, a spirit in a living body, able to experience a lifetime's worth of human experiences. How fabulous of a gift?! So, cheers to sharing that gift with all of you. I am grateful for that.

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilage it is to be alive--to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love...
- Marcus Aurelius

None is more impoverished than the one who has no gratitude...Gratitude is a currency that we can mint for ourselves, and spend without fear of bankruptcy...
-Fred Van Amburgh

Seeing a glass half empty is resentment; seeing it half full is gratitude...

If the only prayer you say in your entire life is "Thank You," that will suffice...
-Meister Eckhart

There is an inherent law of mind that we increase whatever we praise. The whole of creation responds to praise and is glad. Animal trainers pet and reward their charges with delicacies for acts of obedience; children grow with joy and gladness when they are praised. Even vegetation grows better for those who love it...
- Charles Fillmore

Most people don't realize the good they had until they lose it, and by then it's too late...

Praise expands everything. People, plants, children, animals, even inanimate things, respond to praise. I cannot tell you how, but try it for yourself. If you want more of anything, praise and give thanks and you shal have it...
- Sue Sikking

It is impossible to be negative while we are giving thanks...
-Donald Curtis

Some people complain because God put thorns on roses, while others praise Him for putting roses among thorns...
- Anonymous