
12 March, 2011

Chic Gourds

After years and years of storing some really beautiful old organic looking gourds, I think I've finally found a really gorgeous idea for them that will be easy, cheap and make a big statement come fall season!(photo was taken from Ladies Home Journal Oct 2010)

Painting them in rich shades of purple, yellow, orange and shiny gold makes their organic shapes really pop. They look fantastic just grouped in an arrangement on a shelf or could be put in a large bowl together to make a big statement. So beautiful!

07 March, 2011

Bunny Footprints

Tonight we went walking at the Delano Homestead (aka. in the woods) and we saw hundreds of tiny bunny footprints in the snow! They were adorable :) So, later, when we went shopping at Marshall's for some new pants for Daniel we saw these little guys and thought it only fitting to bring them know to honor those sweet little creatures we like so much. Or, maybe that is just an excuse to have yummy bunnies without having to wait until Easter :) Daniel unappologetically admits he argued the latter point, haha.

Ooo La La!

Here's the latest hint of *Spring* that's made its way into our little adobe....err, uh, wait, I mean, ABODE.
ITS ABODE, MOM! Geeze, now look what you've done! :)

01 March, 2011

Great Fun As of Late...

1.) A kitty from the shelter found a home. No, not with us. He's just here temporarily. His name is Ricky :)
Ricky's a snuggler :)
2.) We had our last big snow of the year and enjoyed our first adult snow day from work! Ok, well, Daniel enjoyed a snowday from work. I still had to go in :)
We happily waved goodbye to the semi's that carried the snow away from the piles made downtown. Good to go out with a bang. Now its time to go out :)

3.) We bought spring cards on clearance at Tar-jay because we were feelin' the spirit :) Super fun and cute for only $2 !!!

4.) We may have had a bake-off on a whim (or maybe during an intense chocolate craving? This time it wasnt me! I swear! haha) Daniel almost couldnt resist sticking his finger in the brownies...PPS. These are vegan too and made with flour from whole WHITE WHEAT BERRIES which turned out super good.
Bake-off item #2: Gluten Free cupcakes with chocolate icing for a co-workers birthday the next day.
Look how beautiful! Daniel's a regular old Julia Childs!
4.5) OH YEA! IF YOU MISSED IT: Daniel's no longer a furry woodsman! He shaved :)
5.) last but not least: we've been house hunting. We found this HUD home about 20 min south of here and were excited about its potential.

the kitchen that needs some loving but has huge windows with lots of trees outside = LOVE

a big livingroom window with a huge stone fireplace. It just needs some updating - black? Not really my thing. Oh, and some floors...thinking lots of thoughts but mostly blonde wood.