
13 May, 2009

Aren't these beautiful?

These pears are my mother-in-law's. I love them because they are so organic looking and they remind me of how I am looking foward to growing my own fresh ripe pears one day. I hope to have a home with enough space to grow a fruit orchard. My parents used to have a pear tree, a sour cherry tree, rhubarb plants, and a raspberry bush. There never seemed to be enough raspberries on that bush. I used to love to go outside in the afternoon and when no one was looking, huddle down behind the bush and pick all the lush ripe red ones! Unfortunately, mom and dad have since removed the pear tree and raspberry bush. Bummer. While I am reminicing about my love for fresh homegrown fruits, I just remembered that my oma used to grow these beautiful little berries in her back yard and make jam out of them for a delicious breakfast treat! Apparently they were banned when I was a little girl and she had to stop growing them. I never knew why they disappeared until just recently when she told me that!

I have to say, my all time favorite season is fall, when the italian prune plums come to the market. They are so beautiful and taste so delicious when they are cooked in a pan with just a little bit of cinnamon and sugar! Mmmm. They are my oma's favorite too. :)

If you like something a little more fancy, a fabulous way to prepare them is to make a short-bread sort of dough and quarter them on top. Bake, and when its fresh from the oven, sprinkle it with sugar. Pflaumenkuchen :)

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