
12 June, 2009

More around the house

To pretty up the outside of our cottage...

Bea's rose bushes
Bumblebees pollenating Bea's flowers
I am growing Basil (Basilikum) & Chives (Schnittlauch). Here they are looking ever-so-stunned after repotting. I am excited to have these :) Hopefully they last all year.

There are wild strawberries all over our yard.

Columbine that I dug up aroud Bea's yard and replanted in front of our cottage. I hope they will take well here. They do not seem to mind the acidic soil from the many pine trees. I am wondering if they will get enough morning/afternoon sun in this spot? The one on the far left is not a columbine. It is some kind of varigated vine/groundcover thingy. Mom, help please?
Last, but not least, this is a radio made from trash from South Africa. Bea & Cord lived there last year for 6 months while studying English. Apparently people take all the rubish and turn it into "stuff". It actually works. We listen to german radio on it.

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