
18 June, 2009

A Night in Celle...

Celle is an old town one hour from Resse (where we are living). When we found out they were having a little festival we decided to visit and see what that was like. These are some of the photos and videos from our adventures after spending the day in Hannover. You are going to laugh when you see the video of the old folks playing very German music in the town square around lots of beer stands. Very much your stereotypical idea of Germans. I laughed while filming it, telling Daniel you would all get a kick out of the video, and feeling funny while the townspeople around me watched as I acted very much like a tourist!

This is from our drive there. In between every city & village are beautiful farms, fields and woods. These were a few wind turbines we passed along the way.

The woods. Daniel said it looked like Florida forests.

In the city center was a very long oval shaped park. It was beautifully manicured and had plenty of flowers and small streams. A nice backdrop to the cobblestone streets and old buildings.

A building I thought you might like.

This is in the very middle of the city. There are no trees here. Just old old Fachwerkhaeuser.

Trying to find our way...

Looking very intellectual in front of the Bibliothek.

Finding our way...and laughing at what we find.

This building was built in 1534. Check the next photo.

Pretty flowers.

Beautiful lampposts.

A flower shop.

I thought this basketweavers stand was super cool. Look at his demo/display of how he makes his baskets!

A band on a bicycle.

A young boy watching one of the street bands.

Daniel said he used to love the "tall man at the circus," so I took a picture for him.

I am going to post this, but please come back to see the video that i took. I will update this blog in about 45 min.


  1. Dan is starting to look a little bit German these days! :) Blair says, "If he dies, he dies." HUH?
