
10 July, 2009

More on Amsterdam

Amsterdam Centraal please!

If you are concerned that you might lose your child, just adopt this idea and write you phone number directly on their body like a tatoo! What a concept?!
Bicycles, bicycles, bicycles galore! You really cannot tell how many bikes are in this picture because it is too small. In the background there is a ramp on the right side and the WHOLE thing is covered in bikes. All along that bridge has bikes locked up too.


A not-so-crowded street in late morning/midday.

Sparkly jellies for Jen. :)

A crowded street in late afternoon...

Yes, the crazy sex shops that are everywhere. They are almost Amsterdams equivalent of Michigan's cheesy sweatshirt/coffee mug/jun-store shops we have in every tourist spot.

Look at the many colored waffles...what a display case, huh? "Nah?" as Elia says.

A "coffee shop" you can see.

Daniel said they had pot flavored lolly pops in this shop. I never saw them.
It was such a sunny, warm, wanna-be-outside kind of a day.

Another beautiful bridge.

Oooooo the "Red Light District" where all the prostitutes can be found. It really didnt seem like such a big deal. They were girls wearing bathing suits hanging out where you could see them inside what looked like a store. Of course, it is a big deal. I read that Holland believes prostitution happens whether you make it legal or not so they dont turn their back on it. Instead they created a system where all the girls go for regular health checkups and are set up in contact with many social organizations that find them other opportunities besides this one.
Acutally, you are not supposed to take pictures in the Red Light District. When I took this picture I was taking it of the pretty flowers and the colorful sign because I thought it made a nice photo. As we walked more we realized we were in the RLD but I wondered the whole time why they called it that. I didnt notice until I came home and looked at my pictures that I had, in fact, taken a picture in the RLD and found out why they called it that...check out the lamps. :)

An old old building that looks like a castle is used as a city office now.

The Asian coridor.

The bio/organic market. Flowers, flowers, flowers! :)

Fresh bread of the day.
Beautiful nuts, beans, and spices! Mmmmm...

The cheese stand.

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