
30 September, 2009

The Art of Living...

"I like to think that in France there is a sixth sense a French sense.
There is a certain something about the French and the style in which they live that creates a unique ambience.
Their success lies in their inherent ability to blend all the senses, which makes for a life that is filled with emotion and a life which is forever stimulated.
Ambience permeates every aspect of French life, whether it be in private places or public places."

- Vicki Archer, FRENCH ESSENCE

I really loved who gracefully Vicki Archer described the passion French people have for developing the art of living. As I have fallen in love with French cooking, style, and cities while reading books on the French, there is one thing I have come to desire to understand, to create and embody in my life more than all the others...and that is the ambience she describes.

Have you ever experienced this?

How do you cultivate your art of living...?

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