
21 December, 2009


Daniel named him Stewart.

I wont eat him. He is too cute!

Our new fireplace mantle. Courtesy of my creative husband!

16 December, 2009

Picking up...

where I left off 10 years ago.

10 December, 2009


Daniel woke me up the other morning laughing out of nervousness because Oliver had jumped up on the countertop (from there he goes to hanging out above the cupboards) while Daniel was busy lighting the burner on the stove for tea. Well, Dan hadn't expected Ollie to be walking by the stove (his back was turned to the refridgerator & Ollie) and as soon as the gas lit on fire Ollie was right there and his whole chest went - POOF! Dan said Ollie jumped backwards because his little white fur was flaming and whiskers were scorched and Daniel immediately grabbed him and started smacking his chest to put the flame out. Daniel felt so bad! Ollie's never been on that side of the sink on the countertop before but now we will be super super careful when we are starting the stove!

This is me holding Ollie in my tote. Every day when I come home from Pilates or being out, no matter how much I have stuffed into that tote, he always tries to squeeze inside. His favorite thing is to be held on your shoulder in a bag and walk around with you! Kind of like baby-wearing, but Ollie-wearing!

Winter Wonderland

So Heidi came bounding up to the window this morning like she usually does to look outside at passersby. Only this time, she bounced backwards because she was afraid of the snow piled up on the windowsill! It was hilarious! It wasnt the first time she'd seen snow but something about it made her afraid!
Here's the view of our *frosted* tree outside our window!

04 December, 2009

First Snowfall...

May your longest list this holiday season...
be the one that counts your blessings.
Happy 1st Snowfall Everyone!

The Unknown

"When we step into the unknown, we are free of the past. When we step into the unknown, we are free of every limitation because fresh choices are available in every moment of our existance."

- Deepak Chopra
What is your unknown?

01 December, 2009


Seasonal yummies: homegrown sage - dried, and locally grown chestnuts.

Last years art project...
Can you see me in the bulbs?

my newly recovered chest...


It was a great weekend with the families. We brought our babies with us and they really enjoyed the extra space to run around. Heidi and Ollie particularly liked these grassy reeds that they were allowed to shred and pounce on and mince to pieces.
Even ol' Coug seemed perky and appreciative of all the festivities. Here he is showing off his uber relaxation. Can you believe that belly?!
And, once home again, we set up our own little Christmas tree. I was so excited to be able to have one of these beautiful rosemary bushes! I've been admiring them for years. Daniel named him Harold. I have to admit, I was a bit nervous for Harold because Oliver LOVES to chew on plants. But, I was hoping since Harold tasted a little spicier than most plants that Oliver wouldn't appreciate that. Sure enough, as Oliver bit Harold and made a sour face, I felt at peace knowing that we would enjoy our little Christmas tree all through December!