
30 June, 2009

Daniel's the Bad Man

These are some of the photos from Simi's birthday party. Bea has a cute candle holder that you can change out the number in the center to make it fit a childs birthday. Not sure what you do when you need double digits?
Simi was super excited about his new Fahraad. So was Daniel, believe it or not. :)
Daniel built that ramp for Simi's skateboard and Elia loved it! Elia uses his "laufrad" (a mini kids bike with no pedals - propelled by feet only) to ride full speed up and down the ramp! He's only 2 :) Daniel says he'll be a superstar by 13.
Since this was a "Three Detectives" themed party everything had the ??? on everything. This is Noah, wishing it was his birthday, not Simi's.
The kids all had cupcakes but Simi got his own mini cake.
After cake the boys went to the lake to swim. Here is the gang we entertained.
Beautiful Bea.
After the lake Bea got the kids all excited by telling them a story of a bad man who had been seen hiding in the forests around here and how strange things had started to happen near the house. Their job was to find the clues that he had left and capture him! First they went by the lake to look for clues and they found a mysterious traveler who said she'd seen a man "go that way!" This was Anika who who put on crazy clothes and did a very good job acting. Then the kids ran back by the house to find another clue by the chicken coup. The food had been stolen from the chickens! So they continued into the forest where they found giant poisonous flowers left by the bad man to kill the detectives on his trail. Not far from there they saw a few bicyclists (me and Anika) who's tires had been popped by nails left in the road from the bad man. But we didnt know which way they should go! The funny part was when the kids stopped some random cyclists and a neighbor to ask if they'd seen anyone (and their descriptions were cute!) But, of course, they had no idea what the kids were talking about! A short walk further down the road and they heard strange noises from off in the distance. Daniel was making a noise on a special instrument Bea had given him. Then he came flying through the bushes on his bike, cape blowing in the wind, and the kids went running after him! Daniel said, "those little buggers were fast!" Originally he was going to run the way back home but he injured his foot earlier that day and decided he would try to ride a bike instead. He was sure thankful! The boys were ecstatic when they caught him and brought him back to the house where Cord was ready and waiting as the policeman with his gun to take Daniel under arrest. It was creative, cute and a ton of fun for the boys!

Afterwards Bea made this dough from yeast, flour and salt and the kids made "Stockbrot." That means stick bread. They roast it over the fire like we do marshmellows and then eat it. It was a little interesting to me.

I was exhausted when the kids left, but the party was a success! So far, Cord, Simi, Noah, Elia, and Daniel are using the ramp just about every day! Simi popped a tire....sounds like Daniel and his ramps, hmmm?

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