
02 July, 2009

Nothing in particular.....

I appologize that I do not update the blog every day anymore. Sometimes I am not sure I have enough to tell you all. We are settling in much more now. Sort of have a flow to our days I guess. Occasionally I snap a picture of something I find funny or interesting to show you. Thats why this is just a blog of nothing in particular. Daniel and I are doing well. The weather here is beautiful lately. On the cooler side of our summer days in Michigan. Only slighlty humid. The people here thinks its crazy hot. We enjoy it though because we know how warm it can get back home. Last night was really nice because Daniel and I ended our evening after being with Markus & Simone by lighting candles on our bistro table outside and enjoying a cup of tea in the darkness. We played a few songs from the ceremony at our wedding and then just listened to the sounds of nature. It was so peaceful. Actually, it was the first time I've noticed the sounds here since we arrived. Most of the time there is a lot of noise from children. I really enjoyed the silence. This morning we went for a long walk through the woods and farm fields to a small creek. We did a few exercises and came home again. It was a great start to our day. I really miss my 6 am walks around the neighborhood in the dark during the winter at Grandpas old house back home. Its not really possible here because the darkness ends at 3:30-4 am. Too early for me! Not much else to tell right now. We leave for Holland tomorrow. I will not blog for at least 5 days. Kitties are being cared for by a friend. I will update with photos when we come home. We love you all and think of you a lot!

Apparently this is how a Gaenze/Goose rests. Cute, huh?

Some pretty flowers Cord bought Bea.

The last of the blooms on that giant rose bush I showed you before.

Two days ago Bea showed me this hazelnut tree she has behind the house. I was so excited because I had never seen hazelnuts before they were neatly packaged in a plastic bag for me on the grocery shelf. I just had to take a picture of what the fruit looks like before its ripe in the fall to share with you all back home. They do not celebrate Thanksgiving here but Bea & Cord have asked me to cook traditional American Thanksgiving food. I will definitely be making them a pumpkin pie. As is typical of me, I will be changing it to make it a little unusual. How about a hazelnut crust? Lecker! :)

Yesterday I was bored in the middle of the day when Bea was gone with Noah to finish his swim courses. He was so proud when he came home with his Seepferdchen (spelling?) award which means seahorse :) Anyway, Bea mentioned wanting to fix up the baby's room because it was absolutely crazy in there. He didnt sleep in his bed because there were things everywhere. None of the furniture made sense in the rooms layout and he had no place to play in his room. Bea also used it for all of her teaching materials so it had become a giant wearhouse for things. Amazing. I wish I had taken pictures before hand. Daniel helped me to hang the pictures after I tried make sense of them. Originally they were in a clump on the dresser and shelf. And, the baby's clothes were in the giant armoire, the toys were scattered in drawers and nothing was in the changing table. So I consolidated all clothes in the changing table, toys in small dresser, Bea's teaching materials in the armoire and made a space for his drawing table. Its not the best I think it could be, but with what Bea has, it actually works now. And, for the first time the baby wanted to sleep in his room :). Cool huh?

Another one of Daniels towers. If he is not working on a project outside, swimming in the lake, or playing the piano, he is building something with the blocks. :)

Daniel and the baby constructed this lovely parking garage! They were so proud :)

On another 15 mile bike ride to the village of Mellendorf on Tuesday I found a tiny Naturkost which has all bio/organic foods. I was super excited to find sprouting seeds and so I bought a package for 99 cents and I started to sprout them :)
My sprouts after 2 days :)

Playing with the kids after dinner on Tuesday :) Simi and Noah thought it was funny to pull their pants up over their shoulders. Kids are creative arent they?

During midday yesterday Bea and I took the kids into the forest to go blueberry and strawberry picking. Then I made these muffins for the kids.

Heidi on Sunday or Monday night after her bath. Spunky cat.

I love this website because the pictures are so beautiful and colorful! I found this recipe for Balsamic Roasted Strawberry & Asparagus Quinoa Salad and I wanted to try it. Of course, I had to change it a little because thats what I always do! We really only have white asparagus here so I decided not to use it, and I omitted the feta cheese, and changed the pecans (which I cannot get here), for toasted hazelnuts! Oh, and I added kiwi too! It was absolutely delicious. Roasted strawberries are wonderful :)
Yesterday I made these Meyer Lemon Tarts for Bea to take to a birthday party in the evening. They were very nice too. But these were not vegan. :(


  1. Marly: have you ever considered culinary school? Just thinking... ;)

  2. Marlson where are youuuu??? :(
