
25 June, 2009

For Sad Piggies :)

I have to run right now to make lunch for the kids and Bea. Just went for a bike ride through the farm fields and that was beautiful. In one hour we leave for the kids swim classes and then go straight to Miriam's house (Bea's pregnant sister - due next week) for her son Samuel's birthday party. I didnt get a picture of Daniel as the "BAD MAN" yesterday during Simi's party but it was amazing! We will recostume today and then take a pic so you can see what it was like! :) Daniel looks great in a pair of dark sunglasses and dressed in black! It was so exhausting throwing that birthday party. We were up at 6 something with 5 hours rest, prepared all morning by cleaning, frosting cupcakes, decorating, all while taking kids too and from the last day of school, oh, and having a mini "HAPPY BIRTHDAY" celebration with presents at breakfast, then entertained 10 munchkins for 3 hours (felt like forever), and finished with a family gathering until 8 pm. Daniel and I fell in our bed at 9 and we were almost too exhausted to change into PJs and brush teeth. Again, I didnt wake up until 9am! Not loving that, but apparently needing it. Woke up with my periauricular sinuses (???the ones around my ears) feeling full again, and throats a little scratchy. Wondering if it is more sickness or just flushing of bonfire smoke from my system. Anyway, will post more later! I promise!

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