
25 August, 2009

A Weekend In Berlin - Part 1



A street I could live on...


A vegan resturant thats completely sophisticated, delicious, creative, relaxing, adventurous, playful, concious and beautiful. I highly suggest it to carnivores and veggies looking for a place to eat in Berlin.

And they have extra dishes for your furry friends should they be dining with you.

Ok, so this blog is going to be in reverse. We actually visited La Mano Verde just before we left Berlin. So that will also explain to you why our evening here starts with desert. This is D's ginger mint sorbet with a vanilla-raspberry sauce. See, I told you! Sophisticated but adventurous and fun!

My absolutely incredible vegan chocolate mousse with raspberry sauce. This was gorgeous and tasted divine! I am not sure how it was made because there surely wasnt a hint of tofu in there. It was light and fluffy like mousse but really rich in flavour. D's dish with basmati rice, marinated tofu, cashews and lots of veggies in a yummmmy gravy.

My *raw* dish of "fettucini" noodles made from zucchini with a delicious cashew cream sauce, deliciously marinated mushrooms, fresh basil pesto and "vegan parmasean" made from housemade spiced pine nuts. I loved the creativity in my dish. And the flavors were amazing. Actually, being raw, it was also quite refreshing!

Amazingly delectible avacado gazpacho with pumpkin seed oil. "lecker!"

Housemade crackers - sundried tomatoes, herbs....hmmm, and deliciousness!. Not sure what else! :) Gluten free though!

Really great organic and biodynamic wines.

The Charlottenburg Schloss - Aka, Castle. :)

This is a photo of a photo of the castle. We were very impressed with how long the castle was.

No corny tourist pictures here :) This was an incredible walk through a tree-lined boulevard leading to the castle and flanked by gorgeous apartments with beautiful balconies and lots of flowers. It was slightly chilly but sunny and people were playing bocci (?) ball in small groups and having a picnics.

Ok, once again for good measure.

Oops, out of order but here is D sitting down for sushi. He was so giddy to eat our mushroom and avacado sushi that he couldnt stop makng funny faces. This is typical D. Everyday. :)

I ignoring you.

Seriously, what is you doing?!

Classic D face! He just looked at me and said, "YOU'RE POSTING THAT!?!" To that I say, "heck yes, I am!"

Hahahahah. He loves to laugh at himself. A fabulous trait if you ask me.


A sushi night dinner with a crazy cat! Those were LED eyes that blinked and made you feel a little trippy. I was wondering the whole thing about asian people eating cats while I looked at it.

Where did my suhi picture go?????? Hmmmm. Well, so then, isnt that an interesting placemat?

The new Parliament building.

Wiouldnt it be great if in the US we built the new things to look a little more like the old architecture we've seen here?

A museum. Sorry, not sure which one.
Caskets of the many kings and queens of Germany's past.

An entire floor filled with them and their children.