
12 September, 2009

A Day In The Park & Raw Apple Pie

Today Daniel and I vegged out at Kensington Metropark on blankets by the water, read some books, talked a little and enjoyed the sun. It was a wonderful way to relax together. We were super excited when we got to Kensington because they were holding an Organic Harvest Market in the farm area. It was lovely! So many fantastic local businesses poping up! I am truely blessed to be surrounded by so many wonderful people being creative and thinking about their impact on the world and being so loving!
Right now I happen to be reading a book on The Raw Food Diet and, coincidentally, I met a lovely gentleman at one of the market booths who invited D and I to The Tree House in Farmington Hills in a few weeks to learn more about Raw foods and biodynamic farming! We are so thrilled! I was so excited that I came home tonight and decided to try out one of the raw foods recipes in the book. Raw Apple Pie! My girlfriend has made me one of these once, but from a different recipe and it was soooo delicious. I wanted nothing about it to be different!
Here are D and Heidi loving each other in the kitchen while waiting for their yummy treats. :)

D getting excited to try his baby pie!
So here's the finished product! I didnt follow the recipe (its just what I do...or rather, dont do). :) I had no dates for the crust and so I used raisins, and I used pecans instead of walnuts. I made up the rest of the pie based off memory from the pie my girlfriend made me. Its basically a pecan crust pressed into a little glass dish to make a well for an applesauce (not cooked) type mixture of spices, apples, lemon juice and then whole raisins. I topped it with fresh sliced apples and it was soooo delicious! A really fun and refreshing experiment! And about 1/5 the time it would have taken to make a typical crust and bake a pie!

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