
08 March, 2010

Sarkozy's Bakery

This is Sarkozy's bakery and it is right beneath our apartment...which means (!!!!) I get to smell the delicious buttery delights they are baking everyday when I am coming and going! Daniel started a special treat of going downstairs every Saturday to pick up something yummy for him and I for breakfast and I have to say I love him just that much more for it. :) This past weekend we went together and had an extra special suprise! We were given a "sample" (the whole loaft) of their special Anise bread which they only make during lent. It is divine! It has anise and wine in it...and I cannot say I know what else but it is incredible. :)

Daniel told me that the paczkis were amazing and he FORCED me to try one. :)
I always thought they were super heavy and doughy but they were light, fluffy and not overly sweet. His was fresh (real - from Leduc MI) blueberry filling and mine was prune. I would almost say it is a shame the inside photos turned out so dark except that I would not want to give the impression I wasnt extatic to see the sunshine for an entire week straight for the first time since last October! Such a beautiful week and weekend!
Daniel discovered that they have a really neat turnplate oven outside that they make homemade pizzas on in 2 mins! The baker said the oven gets to over 1000 degrees! Oh, and no suprise, the pizzas look AMAZING! They make them every day from 11-2 if you are interested :)

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