
06 April, 2010

Sassy Beans & Quinoa

2 cups dry quinoa
2 15oz cans black beans
2 carrot stalks, chopped
1 pablano pepper, chopped
1/2 large onion, chopped
olive oil
1/2 cup salsa
1/2 cup cilantro
2 tsp hot sauce
4 T white wine vinegar
Sautee the onions, pablano pepper and carrots in olive oil. Meanwhile, cook quinoa according to directions. I used a 2.5 cup water/1 cup quinoa ratio and added some salt and pepper to the water. I brought it to a boil and then reduced it to a simmer, uncovered, until the water was evaporated. Mix up 1-2 T olive oil, hot sauce, cilantro, pepper, salsa, and vinegar. Stir beans, quinoa, cooked vegetables and sauce together in a large bowl and enjoy.

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