
15 April, 2011

Sunset at South Haven

Last Saturday Daniel and I decided to go on a spur-of-the-moment trip to South Haven to watch the sunset. It was about 6:30 at night and it takes us an hour+ to get there but we didnt really think twice about it! Be adventurous, right?! So, we hopped in the trans am (I drove - big smiles!) with the T-tops off and enjoyed an amazing trip across the state with the sun on our faces and the wind in our hair.

When we got there it was perfect timing. Just enough time to make a quick pitstop at Gingerman Raceway to entice Daniel with summer-time autoracing fun and then to be on our way to the beach. I can't believe how late the sun goes down now! Such a great treat! First we popped into this really awesome shop on our stroll through the downtown. It was filled with books and clothes and jewelry and had great architecture. We bought a book called "LOVE LIFE" there and we have been so enjoying having it sitting out to see its reminders every few days. Its totally worth sharing. More on that later, though. :)

It was a little chillier by the water than it was in the Zoo but so gorgeous we didnt care. It was nice to see the lake and for it not to be covered in ice chunks. :)

When we finally made it down by the pier we saw the coolest thing: a motorized kayak! Now, its not because I despise the little effort it takes to make a kayak move in a channel this mild that made me so giddy. It was totally because it reminded me of the gondolas I saw in Venice, Italy with its gorgeous wood and the capitan's (haha) relaxed nature. It even had a canopy! So great for coasting out to watch the sunset!

A bit of envy here :)It really was stunning. We reveled in it for a bit and then decided head back to the cafe's to have a late night dinner and eventually head home.

We had a great evening meal at this new cafe (shucks, i cant remember the name). I had a bowl of butternut squash soup with a lovely glass of oaky chardonnay and Daniel had penne pasta with a smokey tomato sauce that was mixed with cubes of spagetti squash, mushrooms, spinach, and edamame. Oh and a side of roasted rosemary potato fries dipped in herbed mayonnaise and a glass of red wine. Yum. :)

Loving Life!


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