
29 March, 2010

Naughty Naughty

This is our kitchen. We have lived here for around 5 months now and despised looking at this color most days. The kitchen has no windows and with our yellow lightbulbs it can feel quite heavy and dreary in there. So, we decided to paint it. We, technically, arent allowed but D said we should do it anyway and I thought so too. So, with all the little nerve I could gather we went out looking for color chips. The floor is a really earthy stone tile of mostly milky-coffee color with green and red accents in it and I happened to see inside of the neighboring apartment and those lucky folks have a cafe au lait colored kitchen...not hideous orange! So, we do like orange - in fact, its one of the main colours of my favorite seasons - fall! But if we kept this color we decided we wouldnt be able to appreciate a golden leaf or a happy pumpkin when the time rolled around! For $8 we got this great kit that had a roller, brush and pan in it! And check out how it was recycled, super cool!100% biodegradable tray?!?!Bamboo brush - and i love the quality. It works great!OK, so we started with this chip that pulled out the really earthy green on the floor tiles, but when it went on the wall, it was not so earthy as we had hoped. Its not a bad color but not right for the space. Look how ugly the orange is above the cabinets. Gross.

So today I went back and got a color called Au Lait Ole :) The guy said its super popular. D thinks its going to be way better. I also think so, but i think that the kitchen will need hints of seasonal color in it - reds and yellows of flowers in spring, and greens and reds of apples during fall! :)

When I finish today I will post the final color. Hopefully it looks ok :)
Here is a smidgin of the Au Lait Ole
The Au Lait Ole over the green. It was quite dark in the kitchen so you cannot see it well but it is definitely lighter and less colorful than the green. What will it look like when finished?!

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