
29 March, 2010

Whole Wheat Pasta & Broccoli with Creamy Mushroom Dill Sauce

1 Lg box Whole Wheat Noodles
1 Head Broccoli
1 Tray Mushrooms
2 Small cloves Garlic
1 Onion
Olive Oil
1/4 cup FRESH Dill
2 cups Milk or Milk Substitute
3 T Whole Wheat Flour
1.) Chop mushrooms (in quarters), pull apart broccoli flowerettes, and chop onions and garlic.
2.) Boil noodles for 8-10 minutes in seasoned water. With 5 minutes remaining add in broccoli to blanch.
3.) Heat oil in skillet and add onions and garlic for 5-7 minutes or until translucent.
4.) Add in mushrooms and season with salt and pepper. Cook until browned - 5 minutes?
5.) Add 3 tablespoons wheat flour to the cooked mushrooms and onions and allow it to coat them. Stir around.
6.) Pour in 2 cups cold milk and begin stirring while pan is on med-high heat. You are making the sauce.
7.) When sauce is thickened add in about 1/4 cup freshly chopped dill. Use your scissors to cut it up - its easier. Stirr for a min and then serve over drained pasta and broccoli.

MMMM MMM GOOD MIMOSAS :) For dinner Daniel mixed us up mimosas and they were amazing! I know champagnes are different but we used the Vueve Cliquot and it was yummy. :)
D resurected our kitty from behind my steering wheel. It was given to us by Bea in Germany.

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