
29 March, 2010

Sweet Seat

Dan and I went to Salvation Army before we moved out to Kalamazoo and we were pleased to find a bunch of really neat items like silver tappered candle holders an old piece of luggage and one really cool chair and foot stool. The only thing wrong with the chair was that the fabric (above) was very worn and dirty and needed replacing.
When we first bought it I riped the old material off and kept the fabric to use as "stencils" for the new material. Here is what I found underneath - a basic thin white fabric covering the springs and foam padding. The seat of the chair was a little worn out and the springs were not tied so tight so i spent a few hours taking apart the underneath of the chair and restapling and tieing down the springs and burlap (?).
Oh, when after I pulled off the original fabric I stained the arms and legs in a rich dark brown to give it an updated modern look. It was, originally, a walnut color.Once I had that much done....I CHICKENED OUT. I had no idea how to redo the top half of the chair. The original cover had been sewn on and I couldnt figure out how to do it and make it look nice so for 5 months its been sitting in our livingroom like this and Oliver has been enjoying it. See the upper left hand corner...yah, he enjoyed it as a scratch post as much as a sleeping spot.
:( About 3 weeks ago Daniel got a bug in him and said, "ok its time to recover the chair." I was like, I would but I dont know how. I'd already gone out looking for fabric to cover it with many times. I wanted something thick like the old fabric and something with a tight weave so that the cats wouldnt destroy it with their toenails. Anyway, Daniel said we could do it together and boy are we glad we did! It was definitely a two person job!

Here is the fabric we chose. Its a granny smith apple green color and a lot of fun! Really strong, too, which makes me happy becuase the cats destroy everything otherwise! When i went to go buy it the amount we needed was going to cost us around $80+ so I asked the lady if it would go on sale soon and thankgoodness I did! That following Sunday Daniel picked it up for me for just $40! :) Make sure to ask for sales! Recovering section far so good!

Whala! doesnt it look fabulous! We really needed four hands on this project and we did a great job! We are both so happy with it! and look how much fun the color is in that corner! It makes a great litterbox hider :)

1 comment:

  1. wow, that looks really really great. You have talent. I am for sure going to have to have you help me decorate when I move.
